Welcome to Baby Massage Adelaide & Beyond
Baby Massage Adelaide & Beyond is for all parents and grandparents wanting to create a skill set to help their infant grow and develop. We will inform you of the many benefits therapeutic massage can have on babies and infants.
You will be amazed at how your baby’s physiological, psychological and developmental milestones are also influence by massage. Your child’s body is an amazing piece of engineering and you can enhance the workings of it with therapeutic massage.
The parent or grandparent will also benefit greatly on many levels and you will enjoy reading the following pages of the Baby Massage Adelaide website.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or know of a friend who is, please view or encourage them to read the benefits of Infant massage on this website.
Therapeutic massage is a wonderful skill set. The course has been written by Heidi Hadley. She will teach you techniques that can be used from six weeks of age up to the age of five years.
Empower yourself with a skill whilst enhancing your child’s growth and development