Learn in the comfort of your own home.
Baby Massage Adelaide has grown in recent years and with interest from parents overseas, it has expanded. Baby Massage Adelaide has created a new branch within their teaching program. You can now access instructional baby and infant massage content online with Baby Massage Adelaide & Beyond.
The course and benefits of the online program include:
- The skills are designed for babies from the age of 6 weeks to 5 years. The techniques can also be adapted and applied to older family members.
- Increases bond between baby and parent/carer
- Improves digestive function
- Helps with supporting and stimulating immune function
- Stimulates neural pathways (brain development)
- Relaxes baby, creating a nurturing and calming environment
- Techniques for babies with reflux and colic
- Full video tutorials for each technique used in baby and infant massage
Baby/infant massage course eBook with step by step instructions to accompany the video series
You can watch and practice in the comfort and privacy of your own home
With life time access, you can return to the program at any time
Learn skills and knowledge to help you navigate through the different stages of baby and infant hood